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KdF Sparkarte application
This is a wonderful item associated with the Nazi KdF Car or Volkswagen. It is the first piece of bureaucratic paperwork that anyone wanting a KdF Wagen had to deal with. It is the application for a Deutsche Arbeitsfront KdF Car Savings Card (KdF Sparkarte).

Once a person filled out this form and paid a fee the application would be considered and if approved one would be sent a KdF Sparkarte in which one pasted the savongs stamps purchased each week from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or German Labor Front).

The questions asked were all the standard name, address, occupation stuff but also the DAF group to which you belonged, if you were married or not, if you had children, if you already had a driving license, if you already had a car, what color and what type of KdF car you wanted, etc. It is interesting they asked about color preference because as far as we know there was no option.

This application is in very good original condition. Someone had filled in their family name and given name and then erased it. A rarely seen piece of the earliest Volkswagen material from August 1938.
This rare KdF Car application is
Other original Third Reich KdF Wagen material offered on the USM website:
- March 1939 Motor Schau magazine with super rare KdF car transparency insert.
- February 1939 Motor Schau revealing the "secrets" of the KdF Wagen or VW Beetle.
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