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1934 Nazi book Hitlers Stabsleiter der P.O. Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront
NSDAP Ortsgruppe St. Johannis Nurnberg, Gau Franken
Hitlers Stabsleiter der P.O. Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront, Role
Robert Ley during WW1
Robert with Adolf Hitler
Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront has photos of Ley with his mother, wounded in a military hospital during World War I, during election stops in the early 1930s, Dr. Ley in uniform and in civilian clothes addressing crowds all over the country, meeting with farmers and laborers, at the 1933 Reichsparteitag, with Hitler, etc., etc.
This very rare illustrated Nazi book Hitlers Stabsleiter der P.O. Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront is all about Reichsleiter Ley. Dr. Robert Ley, Reichsorganisationsleiter and DAF Reichsleiter, was the genius behind most of the organization of the Nazi Party (P.O. or Partei Organisation in the title). As Reichs Organization Leader he was responsible for the publication of the Organisationsbuch der NSDAP which outlined how every Nazi paramilitary unit from the SS to the Hitler Youth was organized, what uniforms they wore and what their mission was. As Reichsleiter of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront he built the Ordensburg Castles at Vogelsang, Crössensee and Sonthofen. He built the towns and factories that produced everything from Volkswagens to tanks and airplanes to ships and plywood. He oversaw every laborer that worked on the Reichsautobahn.
Reichsorganisationsleiter Ley
Dr. Ley speech
This 87 year old book came from the library of the Betriebszellen Organisation (Business Department) of the NSDAP Ortsgruppe St. Johannis in Nürnberg, Gau Franken where it was stamped as book number 26. Their stamp appears inside the front, on the title page, as well as on pages 9, 18, 28, 35, 38 and 64! It looks like this book was never read.
This rare First Edition 5-3/4 x 8-1/4 inch recap of the life and work of Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront has 64 pages and was published by Verlag Deutsche Kulturwacht of Berlin in 1934. It was written by Karl Busch using the pseudonym Role. Busch was the editor of the Nazi Party newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, Head of the Press and Propaganda Department of the Kraft durch Freude (KdF or Strength through Joy) organization and a close colleague of Robert Ley.

Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront has chapters about Dr. Ley’s service as a pilot in World War I, the student years of the “Silesian farmer’s son” in Jena, his organizing of the Nazi Party in the 1920s, and fanatically speaking on behalf of Hitler and the young Nazi movement in the western part of Germany. Dr. Ley’s big move to the NSDAP headquarters in Munich, as well as his first “gift” to the Nazi Party - the written political organization structure of the Party, his leadership and organization of the DAF, his organization of the 1933 Nazi Party Days in Nürnberg, the creation of the KdF organization, and the emergence of his anti-Semitic tone (one chapter is titled, Dr. Ley der Judenfeind or “Dr. Ley, the Enemy of the Jews”), were some of the other notable chapters in the life of this remarkable man. The last page has a brief recap of Robert Ley’s biography.
This fine example of Dr. Ley - Der Führer der deutschen Arbeitsfront comes with the rare original dust jacket which was designed by R. Kärst. It has advertising for Der Deutsche, the daily DAF newspaper, on the flaps and shows virtually no wear. We have never seen a better example of this Third Reich book! It has no offensive odor.
Robert Ley and his mother
Other Third Reich Dr. Ley - DAF books for sale on
- rare Heinrich Hoffmann photo book on Dr. Robert Ley
- fine 1937 hardcover edition of Dr. Ley's book "We all help the Führer"
- original 1941 example of "The Largest Socialist Build-Up Ever of the German Nation"
- original 1940 example of "Workers, Farmers and Soldiers"
- anti-Jewish 1940 Dr. Ley publication "From Proletarians to Gentlemen!"
- original Third Reich DAF vocational training booklets and DAF membership IDs
This rare First Edition Nazi book about Dr. Robert Ley is ** SOLD **
USM book #1138

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