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Die Ritterkreuzträger 1939 - 1945 by Gerhard von Seemen
Werner Moelders, Adolf Galland, Hans-Ulrich Rudel
Eduard Dietl, Sepp Dietrich
Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Knights Cross with Gold Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Die Ritterkreuzträger 1939 - 1945 by Gerhard von Seemen
The book also has a section covering the regulations for the awarding and the wearing of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. This section even includes regulations for surviving family members if a Ritterkreuz was awarded posthumously.
Otto Skorzeny with Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and SS-Sturmbannführer collar insignia
Die Ritterkreuzträger 1939 - 1945 by Gerhard von Seemen is an in-depth German reference book listing 7400 names of recipients of the Ritterkreuz from 1939 - 1945 in alphabetical order, a huge number of the members of the SS. The date of bestowal is listed with each name, as well as the rank and unit of the recipient. In some cases a cause and date of death is also listed. For example, a member of the SS Das Reich Division who was murdered by the French Maquis in 1944.
This 6-¼ x 8-½ inch, burgundy cloth 320 page hardcover book was published by Podzun-Verlag of Bad Nauheim in 1955. It is in excellent, near-new condition with its original dust jacket. A valuable resource for historians and collectors, printed at a time when the German government didn't seem to have any trouble with publishers using SS runes in their books as they were still found in every typesetting alphabet - a leftover from the Nazi era.
The photo left is for reference only.  It is Otto Skorzeny wearing his Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and SS-Sturmbannführer collar insignia.

Have a look at a 1940 Nazi book on the history of the Iron Cross
and the color edition of the 1943 Dr. Doehle Nazi medal book,
also for sale on

This German reference book about WW2 Ritterkreuzträger is
USM book #871
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USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles