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ORIginal Third Reich travel brochures
Salzburger Festspiele 1938, 1938 Salzburg Music Festival
As anyone who watched the movie “The Sound of Music” knows, a great deal changed in the city of Salzburg after the Nazi Anschluss, the reunification of Austria with Hitler’s Germany in the spring of 1938. The annual Salzburg Music Festival of 1938 was given great prominence by the National Socialists and this beautiful fold-out brochure has detailed information about the history of the city, and all the scheduled programming for the famous music festival held from 23 July through 31 August 1938.
Printed in Salzburg, Germany this rare 84 year old Nazi brochure is complete and in very nice condition. No writing, no tears, no odor.
Salzburger Festspiele 1938, 1938 Salzburg Music Festival
There is hotel and currency exchange information as well as travel information for visitors coming to Salzburg by train or by car on the Reichsautobahn. The last page has a map of the city showing all the music venues.

The original Third Reich travel brochures shown at the top of
this web page are also for sale and don't miss the rare advertising supplement to the official program of the 1938 Salzburg Music Festival. We are happy to combine shipping of multiple Nazi travel flyers .


Salzburger Festspiele 1938, 1938 Salzburg Music Festival
The cover measures 4-1/8 x 8-7/8 inch and the 12 heavily illustrated pages fold out to 8 x 8-7/8 inches. They contain information about sights to see in and around Salzburg, the complete music festival schedule that included Richard Wagner, Verdi, Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss operas, a Goethe play, chamber music concerts, Mozart, Brahms and Schubert concerts in the Mozarteum and Dom or cathedral. All prices are in Reichsmarks.
This rare original 1938 Salzburg Music Festival brochure is for sale
for $85.00 delivered by 1st Class Mail in the USA.
   • IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $8.95.
   • IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $3.50.
   • We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
     responsible for any VAT payments, import duties and clearing fees. Please inquire.


USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles