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Nazi swastika flags, Hakenkreuzfahne
Hindenburg, Potsdam, Nazi salute, swastika flags
Bilddokumente unserer Zeit, Zigarettenfabrik Kosmos GmbH Dresden
Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler, 1933, SS license plate
Hitler Youth Chemnitz
This is a very nice, complete example of Bilddokumente unserer Zeit (Photographic Documents of Our Time) a rare Third Reich “cigarette card album” produced in 1933 by Zigarettenfabrik Kosmos GmbH of Dresden, a Rein Deutsches or “pure German” company in business since 1886 according to the title page.

The introduction in this original Third Reich cigarette card photo album highlights the historical events that took place in Germany during the the year 1933, the “creation of the new German state”. Events of such enormous historical importance, that even people living in Germany could hardly comprehend or believe their scope and influence in their daily lives. A new flag, a new nation, the extraordinary achievements as a result of the dedication of the National Socialist “fighters”.
Nazi Blood Flag, Jakob Grimminger
There are many images of average citizens and Nazi dignitaries during Labor Day parades, Dr. Joseph Goebbels addressing the HJ, huge swastikas set up at Tempelhof Airport for a Nazi rally attended by Adolf Hitler, the final event of the Tag der Arbeit.

Hitler shaking hands with Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg
Vereidigung der SS als Hilfspolizei, SS oath
Nazi police Standarte
This 9-¼ x 11 inch, 82 page example of Bilddokumente unserer Zeit is complete with all 308 original pictures, neatly glued in place by the original owner Werner Haupt, whose name is handwritten on the title page. The original embossed green and gold cover was laminated by a previous owner to preserve it and as a result it is in nice condition. This rare, nearly 90 year old Nazi cigarette card album has no odor and the photo content is amazing!
Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach during Youth Day in Plauen
1933 SA propaganda march Berlin
The 308 black & white glossy pictures in Bilddokumente unserer Zeit show these historical events of 1933 close-up. There are pictures of election rallies, SA marches, SS men taking the police oath, new Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler in uniform and in civilian clothes, members of the new National Socialist government during Potsdam Day (21 March 1933), Hitler shaking hands with Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg, military parades, the opening of Parliament in the Kroll Opera by Reichsminister Hermann Goering, torchlight processions by the SS and HJ, National Day of Mourning events in Berlin, Hitler’s first birthday as Reichschancellor, etc.
Hermann Göring in a huge open Mercedes-Benz with SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm in front of the Brandenburg Gate
1933 Bilddokumente unserer Zeit
Berlin 21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler, SS General Sepp Dietrich, LSSAH
There are pictures of the the June 1933 SS gathering in Chemnitz, and the First SS-Appell of SS Group East in Döbertiz in August 1933 attended by 11,000 SS members. This section includes a rare picture of SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm chatting with Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and SS-Gruppenführer Kurt Daluege, as well as the three of them during a troop review!
Another chapter has rare pictures taken during the day of the new Prussian Constitution in Berlin on 15 September 1933: Hermann Göring in a huge open Mercedes-Benz with SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm in front of the Brandenburg Gate, Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen with Prinz August Wilhelm (“Auwi” with swastika armband), Prussian Prime Minister Göring opening Parliament, and Göring, Röhm and Reichsführer-SS Himmler during the review of police on horseback.

There are rare photos of Hitler with SS General Sepp Dietrich, Hitler at the NSDAP Gautreffen in Erfurt, Hitler signing the Golden Book of the city of Berlin, Hitler with SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm and Reichsstatthalter of Saxony Martin Mutschmann, Hitler at the German Gymnastics Festival in Stuttgart, Reichsminister Seldte, “Auwi” and Röhm during Reichsführertag in Hannover, Hitler during the symbolic first shovel full of dirt for the Reichsautobahn, Hitler, Goebbels and Reichsbauernführer Walter Darré at the Day of the German Farmer at Bückeberg, etc.
SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, SS-Gruppenführer Kurt Daluege
Nazi swastika banners, Tag der Arbeit 1933
Other pictures show the new armored cruiser Admiral Scheer, women sewing swastika flags (“the enormous demand for the new flag creates labor and bread”), the christening of the new Junkers G 38 airplane 'Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg', the volunteer labor service, Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach during Youth Day in Plauen, HJ boys and BdM girls, the dedication of the new Schlageter Memorial near Düsseldorf attended by Hermann Goering, the rally of the Berlin-Brandenburg SA, Tannenberg Memorial, Crown Prince Wilhelm (with swastika armband, shown below) and Ernst Röhm at the SA Day in Breslau, etc., etc.
Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler
Nazi Graf Zeppelin with swastika
Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen with Prinz August Wilhelm with swastika armband
Adolf Hitler, SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm, 1933 Reichsparteitag
Nazi Air Minister Goering with foreign guests
Rudolf Hess in SS uniform
SS parade under the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
1933 Nazi Party Days Nuremberg
Reichsparteitag 1933 Sonderzug
Hitler with SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm
Crown Prince Wilhelm (with swastika armband) and Ernst Röhm at the SA Day in Breslau
SA Stabchef Ernst Röhm, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, SS-Gruppenführer Kurt Daluege
Adolf Hitler Junkers airplane
Hitler signing the Golden Book of the city of Berlin
The section on the Reichsparteitag held in Nuremberg from 30 August - 3 September 1933 includes pictures of Hermann Göring, many Gruppenführer, Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess with Adolf Hitler and Honor Guests, Hitler arriving on the Zeppelinwiese and his speech to 160,000 followers, Hitler with the Blood Flag, the Hitler Youth march through Nuremberg, Hitler and Ernst Röhm commemorating the dead of the Nazi Movement surrounded by seas of swastika flags and thousands of people, etc., etc.
Nazi swastika Standarte

Have a look at the rare 1933 German photo book 'The National
Revolution in Germany
' as well as other original Third Reich
cigarette card albums
for sale on 
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This Nazi cigarette album Bilddokumente unserer Zeit is
** SOLD **
USM book #1241

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USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles