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September 1938 Sondernummer Illustrierter Beobachter Reichsparteitag Grossdeutschland
September 1938 Sondernummer Illustrierter Beobachter Reichsparteitag Grossdeutschland
Adolf Hitler in Nuernberg September 1938
Der grosse Appell im Luitpoldhain
Adolf Hitler,
The Illustrierter Beobachter (JB or "Illustrated Observer") was the Nazi Party weekly photo newspaper published in München (Munich) by the Nazi Party publishing house Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger, but read by just about everybody, all over Germany. Each issue contained the very latest news, with an emphasis on photographs and information gathered from around the world.

Offered on this USMBOOKS web page is a very rare Sondernummer or Special Edition of the Illustrierter Beobachter, with complete coverage of the 1938 Reichsparteitag Großdeutschland or Nazi Party Day 'Greater Germany', which was to be the last Nazi Party rally ever held in Nürnberg.
female Hitler fans
Reichsparteitaggelaende 1938
Mercedes-Benz advertising 1938
WMF advertising 1938
Fieseler Storch, Zeppelinwiese Nuernberg September 1938
This 10 x 15 inch Special Edition of the Illustrierter Beobachter has 56 heavily illustrated pages and sold for 25 Pfennigs (about 10 US cents) in the fall of 1938. Most of the photos are by Reichsbildberichterstatter Professor Heinrich Hoffmann and they show Hitler's arrival at the railways station of Nuremberg on 5 September 1938, greeting Rudolf Hess, Baldur von Schirach, and Willy Liebl, the Lord Mayor of the City of Nazi Party Days. This is followed by photos of uniformed members of the SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Hitler and Frankenführer Julius Streicher at City Hall, Dr. Robert Ley with Italian honor guests, Stabschef der SA Viktor Lutze with Jakob Grimminger and the Nazi Blood Flag, Hitler with Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering, Hitler greeting Dr. Fritz Todt, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, Professor Willy Messerschmitt, and Professor Ernst Heinkel, Generalfeldmarschall Goering with English Ambassador Neville Henderson, Hitler talking to RAD Leader Konstantin Hierl, Hitler with Reichssportführer Hans von Tschammer und Osten, Hitler with French Ambassador André François-Poncet during the reception for foreign ambassadors, Hitler Youth boys and BdM girls, the SA camp at Langwasser near the Nazi Party Day Grounds, the Vorbeimarsch on Adolf Hitler Square, the military spectacle during the Day of the German Armed Forces (soldiers, tanks and cavalry on the Zeppelinwiese, a Fieseler Storch airplane above the stadium where the Tag der deutschen Wehrmacht took place), the men that organized the 1938 Reichsparteitag (Dr. Ley, Staatsrat Schmeer, Professor Albert Speer, and several other Parteigenossen), seas of swastika flags and banners, etc., etc.
Reichsparteitag Grossdeutschland Plakette
Albert Speer light show 1938 Nazi Party Days
Zeltlager der Ordensburgen
Adolf Hitler Platz Nuernberg 1938
There is not a lot of text, but all photos have competent captions. There is striking advertising by still competitive brands like Mercedes-Benz and WMF, as well as Auto-Union, Atikah cigarettes, Hensoldt binoculars, the German Red Cross, SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps, and many other well-known German companies.
Nazi swastika flags, Hakenkreuzfahnen
This is a very rare and desirable nearly 82 year old special edition of the Nazi photo newspaper Illustrierter Beobachter, and it is complete and in nice used condition. Page 2 has a small OLD tape repair in the white margin which has yellowed. No writing, no tears, no odor.

Other original Third Reich material about the Nazi Party Days in Nuremberg:

rare early Nazi souvenir photo collector album of Nuremberg with all 40 pictures
Nazi guidebook for the 1936 Reichsparteitag
Nazi guidebook for the 1937 Reichsparteitag
rare original engagement announcement card from the 1935 Reichsparteitag
This rare Special 1938 Nazi Party Days Edition of the Illustrierter Beobachter
is ** SOLD **
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USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles